Mass Times Request a Mass If you or someone you know cannot attend Mass due to illness, please call 845.477.8378 to arrange a visit from a priest or an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Saturdays 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Church or by appointment.
There is no need to wait until a person is at the point of death. In case of sickness, surgery, grave illness, or danger of death, please call 845.477.8378 or email [email protected].
Baptisms are normally celebrated on Saturdays at 9:30 AM.
Click Herefor Information & Guidelines or to request baptism.
Please call the office at (845) 477-0906 or Click Here for information on our Religious Education Program.
Please call (845) 477-8378or email [email protected] the parish to arrange a wedding.
If you think our Lord may be calling you or someone you know to serve as a priest, a deacon,
or in the consecrated life as a religious sister or brother, please speak with the priest after Mass
or make an appointment. You may call the office at 845.477.8378 or email [email protected]